starlake extract-data [options]
Extract data from any database defined in mapping file.
Extraction is done in parallel by default and use all the available processors. It can be changed using parallelism
CLI config.
Extraction of a table can be divided in smaller chunk and fetched in parallel by defining partitionColumn and its numPartitions.
Objective: Extract data
starlake.sh extract-data --config my-config --outputDir $PWD/output
Objective: Plan to fetch all data but with different scheduling (once a day for all and twice a day for some) with failure recovery like behavior. starlake.sh extract-data --config my-config --outputDir $PWD/output --includeSchemas aSchema --includeTables table1RefreshedTwiceADay,table2RefreshedTwiceADay --ifExtractedBefore "2023-04-21 12:00:00" --clean
Parameter | Cardinality | Description |
--config:<value> | Required | Database tables & connection info |
--limit:<value> | Optional | Limit number of records |
--numPartitions:<value> | Optional | parallelism level regarding partitionned tables |
--parallelism:<value> | Optional | parallelism level of the extraction process. By default equals to the available cores: 16 |
--ignoreExtractionFailure:<value> | Optional | Don't fail extraction job when any extraction fails. |
--clean:<value> | Optional | Clean all files of table only when it is extracted. |
--outputDir:<value> | Required | Where to output csv files |
--incremental:<value> | Optional | Export only new data since last extraction. |
--ifExtractedBefore:<value> | Optional | DateTime to compare with the last beginning extraction dateTime. If it is before that date, extraction is done else skipped. |
--includeSchemas:schema1,schema2 | Optional | Domains to include during extraction. |
--excludeSchemas:schema1,schema2... | Optional | Domains to exclude during extraction. if include-domains is defined, this config is ignored. |
--includeTables:table1,table2,table3... | Optional | Schemas to include during extraction. |
--excludeTables:table1,table2,table3... | Optional | Schemas to exclude during extraction. if include-schemas is defined, this config is ignored. |
--:<value> | Optional |